Business, Editorials and expert papers, Corporate Culture, WFH

55% of workers say hybrid working is causing more intense working days

Almost half of professional’s claim ‘hybrid working’ is not fit for purpose 63% of companies have adopted hybrid-work models 40% of employees are yet to hear about their future way of working 55% of employees claim hybrid working has resulted in more ‘intense’ working days 42% of employees said they […]

WFH, New learning, Technology, Corporate Culture, New talent, Meet the experts, COVID-19

Your “ZQ” Could Now Impact Your Climb Up the Corporate Ladder

So, what’s your “ZQ?” That is, of course, your Zoom (or swap that out for Skype or Microsoft Teams) Quotient. Could that be a qualifying screener question now in the 2020s when applying for that corporate job? The year 2020 saw some people thrive as our world went virtual overnight, […]

Business, Health & Wellbeing, WFH

How to improve company culture, one meal at a time

Foodservice brand Sodexo is posing the intriguing question – “How can food help to improve company culture? “Most employees would agree,” it says “that working from home was not always the perfect scenario. Research indicates key drawbacks, including difficulties around collaboration, problem resolution, lack of meaningful connection and increased loneliness. […]